Saturday, December 29, 2012

Noah's Baptism

On the Saturday before we left, we had Noah baptized. It was a very small affair, but sadly it was made even smaller by an inopportune snowstorm. All the out of state family couldn't come, which was a bummer, but understandable. It actually turned out to be quite an eventful day, as Matt's back went out that morning. He was in so much pain we were wondering how he was going to even make it through the Baptism. Luckily, my father had this crazy Rasta style walking stick from Jamaica (HILARIOUS)... it pretty much saved Matt during the ceremony.
 To add insult to injury, as we are leaving the restaurant and it is snowing pretty hard, we put Noah in the car, shut the door, and realized that all the doors locked. The key AND my cell phone inside. This was our first baby emergency. Thankfully there was another key at my parent's house, but Noah was screaming and I was freaking out. As my parents rushed home to get the key, Matt suggested I try the back window... luckily it was open and I literally threw flew through the window to rescue poor Noah. It was scary :(

Dom & Sara, the Godparents

Beautiful cake courtesy of my mother

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